Lamson – Liquid/Remix – Spool
NOTE: THIS IS A SPOOL ONLY. You are not purchasing a full reel. The reel is shown with the spool in place for reference.
 Let’s face it, die-cast reels are intended to be low-cost alternatives to machined reels, right? Imported. Heavier. Easier to damage. Plain Jane. Well . . . not anymore. When creating Liquid & Remix spools, we focused purely on the virtues and advantages a pressure-cast process can offer. Structurally, you can do things with casting that you can’t machine: Full-radiused compound curves. Near zero-radius inside corners. And for a precision fit and finish, we even go back and machine the cast part in critical areas—amplifying the best aspects of both worlds. We pushed back on other boundaries as well. How much of a reel at this cost can we make here in the US.? Quite a lot, as it turns out. It’s a good mix, too.
Spool Only