Tim’s 0351 Nymph – Baetis
Tim’s 0351 Nymph – Baetis
This fly was designed for the mighty Yampa river in Colorado and works great on all rivers which boast heavy baetis hatches. The fly comes in a BWO and PMD version and has a few new tricks up it’s sleeve, or should I say shuck. The Coq De Leon tails are very durable and offer excellent mottling to the pattern. The abdomen is tied with thread and wire to keep the profile sleek and topped with a thin coat of UV resin for durability. Hidden under the thorax is a tungsten bead to aid in sink rate as well as add some attractive fishiness. A piece of flash is also tucked neatly under the wing case which adds an attractive lure without being to flashy and “blinging” through the water column. The fly is finished off with a pair of super hair legs on either side which remain splayed when the fly is fished, giving the impression the bug has lost its grip and is now free drifting. Along with being a great nymph fished on the bottom, this fly is a sniper dropper and can be fished under a dry in size 18 without sinking the fly. An excellent dropper for those baetis hatches when the rig consists of small dry and 1 to 2 foot dropper.